The International Society of Business Leaders Recognizes Zak Motala

As President of Electrostatic Sprayers, Zak Motala has been on the forefront of protection and disinfection technology during the COVID-19 pandemic. Providing customers with easy-to-use, effective disinfection equipment and disinfectants, Electrostatic Sprayers offer exclusively designed electrostatic or Ultra Low Volume (ULV) disinfectant sprayers that effectively kill 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, microbes, fungi and coronavirus.
Himself a family man, Zak is motivated by his wife and daughters, always making the decisions for his products that he knows would help keep his own family safe and well. He also works in water systems and runs the company Puroxi Pure Water Global Inc., a firm that employs socially responsible methods to supply natural, eco-friendly products that treat and purify water on the national and global level, in an ethical and socially responsible manner and to purify/treat water on a national and global level, for safe and healthy consumption.
Based in British Columbia, Canada, Zak is affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, CWQA, and is a Volunteer Fire Fighter. He credits his success to dedication, drive and perseverance.
International Society of Business Leaders Member Zak Motala can be found on the Society Directory, where he is looking forward to networking with you.